by admin | Mar 10, 2021 | Studio News |
Hi, just to say I am still here working hard behind the scenes which is not my favourite thing to do! I have been working with a photographer friend in Scotland designing a new website and learning how to do it myself so if you are reading this blog I have...
by admin | Feb 10, 2021 | Studio News |
My Father took lots of photographs of the family growing up and all our family holidays were well documented. He had a good camera and always used slide film so to see the images we would have to get the projector out and project the photos onto the wall. We did...
by admin | Feb 10, 2021 | Portraits |
All newborn baby sittings happen in my warm, cosy studio in the Peverell/Mannamead area of Plymouth. The shop is at the end of a pretty terrace of shops with on street parking. You are welcome to call in and discuss your requirements before you have your baby. I...
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